Vestnik of the Mari State University. Chapter "Agriculture. Economics"
ISSN 2411-9687
DOI: 10.30914/2411-9687
Included in RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index)
Included in VAK (Higher Attestation Commission) (11.10.2017 г.)
Scientific journal
Founder and publisher: Mari State
University, 1 Lenin Square, Yoshkar-Ola, 424000, Republic of Mari El, Russia. The journal is
registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications,
Information Technology and Mass Media (registration
number and date of registration decision: series PI no. FS77 - 75884 dated May 30,
On the website of the "United catalog "Press of Russia" you can subscribe for the printed version of the journal for 2022 at the subscription index 80820, as well as subscribe through the online store "Press by subscription" https: / /
Editorial Office address: 44, Kremlevskaya St., office 303 (passage), Yoshkar-Ola, 424000, Republic of Mari El, Russia
Tel.: (8362) 68-79-97 (1565)
The journal is indexed and archived in the international directory of scientific publications Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
The journal is included in the List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals, where the main scientific results of Doctor of Sciences and Candidate of Sciences theses (since 11.10.2017), on the following scientific specialties should be published (updated from 28.12.2018):
06.02.01 – Diagnosis and Treatment of Animal Diseases, Pathology, Oncology and Morphology of Animals (Veterinary Science)
06.02.03 – Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (Biological Sciences)
06.02.05 – Veterinary Sanitation, Ecology, Zoo-hygiene and Veterinary-sanitary Examination (Biological Sciences)
06.02.07 – Breeding, Selection and Genetics of Farm Animals (Biological Sciences)
06.02.10 – Private Zootechny, Production Technology of Livestock Products (Agricultural Sciences)
08.00.01 – Economic Theory (Economics)
08.00.05 – Economics and Management of National Economy (by branches and spheres of activity) (Economics),
08.00.10 – Finance, Money Circulation and Credit (Economics),
08.00.12 – Accounting, Statistics (Economics),
08.00.13 – Mathematical and Instrumental Methods of Economics (Economics),
08.00.14 – World Economy (Economics).
And from 03.10.2019 the following scientific specialties were added:
06.01.01 - General Agriculture, Crop Production (Agricultural Sciences),
06.01.04 – Agrochemistry (Agricultural Sciences),
06.01.05 – Breeding and Seed Production of Agricultural Plants (Agricultural Sciences),
06.01.07 – Plant Protection (Agricultural Sciences).
The journal carries out the reviewing (scientific double-blind peer-review) of all submitted materials with the view of their expert assessment. The editorial board sends review copies to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon request. The journal adheres to the standards of editorial ethics in accordance with international practice of editing, reviewing, publishing and authorship of scientific publications and the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
The name and content of the headings of the scientific journal “Vestnik of the Mari State University. Chapter “Agriculture. Economics” correspond to the branches of science and groups of specialties of scientific workers, in accordance with the Nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers:
08.00.00 – ECONOMICS
The point of view of the editorial board may not coincide with the point of view of the authors.
The purpose of the publication is the dissemination of scientific knowledge, information support of scientific achievements in the field of agricultural and economic sciences, increasing the credibility and influence of the Russian scientific-information and scientific-publishing segment in the world community.
Published since 2015.
Publication frequency: 4 issues a year.
Publications are free for full-time postgraduate students
Indexed in:
Updated: 02.03.2020