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- Title:
- VESTNIK 4 (40) 2024
- Number:
- 4
- Year:
- 2024
- Date publication on the site:
- 2024-12-26 16:27:17
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Egg productivity of laying hens of crosses lomann braun-classic, braun nick, coral, super nick
UDC: 636.5.034
Authors: Janis G. Ananikov ; Stepan D. Batanov; Natalya A. Atnabaeva ;
Introduction. The dynamics of egg production level and quality parameters of edible eggs in poultry with different genotype have been revealed under conditions of industrial production. Certain variability of indicators highlightes the need to study and identify the limiting values of egg quality for the purpose of further development the breeding programmes for ‘strengthening’ egg productivity. The purpose of the research is to assess egg productivity and physical and morphological parameters of chicken eggs of different crosses during their productive period. Materials and methods. The object of the study was the breeds of young chicken crosses “Lomann Brown-Classic”, “Brown Nick”, “Coral” and “Super Nick” in industrial flock. The volume of sampling population was 300 birds. Egg productivity rate and physical and morphological features of eggs were studied according to generally accepted methods. Results and discussions. Hens of white crosses had higher (by 1.3‒3.2 %) egg productivity in comparison to brown crosses. The egg weight in laying hens of Coral and Super Nick crosses was significantly lower by 3.8 % and 5.0 % in comparison to brown crosses. The maximum egg shell thickness was found in brown crosses ‒ 0.448 mm and 0.451 mm, which was significantly higher than that of white crosses ‒ by 4.9 % and 11.6 %. Brown crosses of poultry had the maximum value of albumen weight of 35.9 g and 35.4 g, which is significantly higher than the albumen weight of white crosses eggs by 4.7 % and 7.0 %. Yolk weight in the egg of brown crosses had a similar pattern. Egg albumen and yolk indices were 12.0 % and 12.1 % higher in eggs of white crossbred than in brown crossbred chickens. Conclusion. Productivity of hens and morphometric indices of eggs are linearly determined by the genotype of the bird and are maximally manifested at interaction: genotype ‒ full feeding ‒ optimal microclimate.
Influence of extruded compound feed on the metabolism of highly productive black and white breed
UDC: 619:616:577:636.0.34
Authors: Ruslan A. Zhaxalykov; Mikhail V. Zabolotnykh;
Introduction. Today, one of the important tasks in dairy farming is to improve the feeding of highly productive cows, and it is necessary to pay special attention to metabolism. Highly productive cows put a lot of stress on the body; such animals need balanced diets, which should be formulated taking into account milk production and live weight. Animals with high milk production often experience metabolic disorders, which leads to various diseases. High quality feed should be used in feeding animals. When formulating diets, attention is mainly paid to the ratio and quantity of nutrients, without taking into account the digestibility of nutrients. The most effective way to increase nutrient absorption today is extrusion. The raw materials are exposed to high pressure and temperature, resulting in quality and nutritional improvements and increased nutrient absorption. The purpose of our work is to identify changes in the biochemical composition of blood serum in highly productive black-and-white cows when extruded feed is introduced into the diet. Materials and methods. The object of the study were highly productive cows of the black-and-white breed. To conduct the study, three experimental and one control groups were formed. The experimental groups received 1,0:1,5;2,0 kg of extruded feed in addition to the main diet. We studied the changes in metabolic processes in the body of highly productive black-and-white cows, which were fed extruded feed in different volumes, using biochemical indicators of blood serum: total protein, albumin, aspartateaminotransferase, alanineaminotransferase, calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, glucose, cholesterol, amylase. Results and discussions. Based on the results obtained, it was found that extruded feed contributes to an increase in milk productivity by 10,0‒20,0 %. The optimal yield of extruded feed is 1,5 kg. Conclusion. Feeding extruded feed in a volume of 1,0‒1,5 kg does not have a negative effect on the metabolism of highly productive black-and-white cows.
Veterinary and sanitary evaluation of quail eggs when using succincic acid in the diet
UDC: 637.5.04
Authors: Nadezhda A. Kislitsyna;
Introduction. Quail eggs, despite their relatively small size, have a significant number of useful properties that make them a valuable product in the human diet. Their unique composition includes high concentrations of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B2, B12, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc, each of which plays an important role in maintaining various body functions. The aim of the study was to study the effect of succinic acid introduced into the diet of quails on the dynamics of egg mass, their morphological composition, the ratio of egg protein and yolk, as well as egg laying and egg productivity. Materials and methods of research. Quails were selected for the study, which were divided into 4 groups according to the principle of analogues, there were 50 birds in each group. During the study, the appearance of the egg, its weight, the weight of the shell, the weight of protein and yolk, as well as the ratio of protein to yolk, egg production and egg productivity were analyzed. The experiment lasted 25 weeks. The results of the study.
The egg productivity of quails in the control group was 4,286 eggs in 150 days, which is 10.7 % less than in the first experimental group (4,746 eggs), 17.22 % less than the second (5,024 eggs) and 12.34 % less than the third (4,815 eggs). Egg weight varied: in the first group ‒ from 13.15 g to 14.81 g, in the second ‒ from 13.45 g to 15.43 g, in the third ‒ from 13.18 g to 14.88 g. The average egg weight increased by 13.92 % in the control group, by 14.62 % in the first, by 15.06 % in the second and by 13.76 % in the third. The maximum protein weight was in quails of the third group (8.08 g), which is 0.35 g more than the control group, 0.91 g more than the first and 0.17 g more than the second. However, the percentage of protein is higher in the eggs of the first group (60 %). The percentage of yolk was highest in the eggs of the third group and lowest in the second. Conclusion. The use of succinic acid does not have a negative effect on the characteristics of eggs. Quail eggs from the experimental groups have better morphological parameters compared to the control group, which is due to increased metabolic processes under the influence of succinic acid.
The effectiveness of the antioxidant “Dihydroquercetin” in the production of poultry products
UDC: 637.54’65; 330.131.5
Authors: Nadezhda N. Kuzmina; Oleg Yu. Petrov; Natalia K. Shvetsova ;
Introduction. In the course of the conducted scientific research, the main zootechnical and economic indicators were determined, on the basis of which the effectiveness of using the antioxidant feed additive "Dihydroquercetin" in the cultivation of broiler chickens was established, which ensured the receipt of additional products, reducing its cost and increasing the profitability of poultry meat production. Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of raising broiler chickens using the antioxidant feed additive “Dihydroquercetin” in their feeding. Materials and methods. The object of the experiments were broiler chickens of the COBB-500 cross, which received the antioxidant feed additive “Dihydroquercetin” as part of the main diet during their cultivation. The poultry of the I control group received only compound feed (the main diet), for chickens of the II experimental group, an antioxidant was additionally injected into it at a dosage of 0.5 g per 100 g of compound feed, III – 0.75 g and IV – 1 g per 100 g of compound feed. The duration of the experiment was 40 days. Research results, discussions. The results of the experiment showed that due to the use of a feed additive, the safety of broiler chickens during the fattening period was 70 % in the I control group, and in the experimental ones: in the II – 90 %, in the III and IV ‒ 100 % safety of poultry was achieved. In the course of the study, it was found that the feed costs per head in the experimental groups of poultry were higher than in the control group, due to an increase in their productivity. But these costs are offset by an increase in the conversion of feed into products and the achievement of higher live weight by chickens at the end of the growing period. This created the opportunity to obtain additional profit and, accordingly, provided an increase in profitability by 2.3, 2.2 and 3.8 %. Consequently, revenue from the sale of products obtained from the experimental broiler chickens of groups II‒IV amounted to 1.42‒2.86 thousand rubles more than in the control. Conclusion. An assessment of the effect of the studied levels of introduction of a feed additive into the basic diet, when raising broiler chickens, objectively indicates that, despite the additional costs associated with the purchase of dihydroquercetin, its use turned out to be very effective. The obtained results showed the possibility of growing poultry without the use of antibiotic drugs and growth stimulants, and made it possible to increase the environmental friendliness of the products obtained, their safety for the consumer. This proves the relevance and prospects of using this biologically active substance in the poultry industry.
The content of heavy metals and trace elements in the muscles and liver of broiler chickens during poisoning with toxic elements against the background of the use of sorbents
UDC: 619:615.9:636.5
Authors: Ekaterina N. Mayorova; Ilnur R. Kadikov ; Eduard I. Semenov; Andrey A. Korchemkin;
Introduction. In the conditions of technogenesis, the problem of providing the population with environmentally safe poultry products has become very urgent. The problem of the transfer of heavy metals along the trophic chain, in the case of contamination of compound feed and feed raw materials with toxic elements generated as a result of industrial emissions and their increased natural content in soils, is in the center of attention of specialists. Purpose ‒ to study the content of microelements and heavy metals in meat and liver of broiler chickens when including highly dispersed shungite and zeolite in feeding diets. Materials and methods. For the purpose of the experiment, 40 broiler chickens were used, grouped with 5 heads in each group. The content of cadmium, lead, iron, zinc and copper was determined using generally accepted methods. Results, discussion. The obtained results show that the use of zeolite and shungite contributes to significant sorption of cadmium and lead. Thus, this leads to a decrease in the accumulation of toxic elements in the liver of broiler chickens to a level safe for nutrition ‒ 0.03 mg/kg for cadmium and 0.2 mg/kg for lead. Conclusion. The combined use of the studied minerals in a dose of 0.5 % in the diets of broiler chickens, separately or in combination, when feed is contaminated with cadmium and lead in concentrations up to 0.5 MDU leads to a decrease in the accumulation of toxic elements in organs.
Veterinary and sanitary examination of broiler chicken meat when using a new composite preparation “NKP” in the diet
UDC: 619:615.9:636.5
Authors: Ramzia М. Potekhina; Sergey Yu. Smolentsev;
Introduction. Particularly promising is the new composite preparation “NKP” (fermented grain inocula with Fusarium sambucinum (108 CFU/ml, 30.0‒30.4 %) and Trichoderma reesei (108 CFU/ml, 12.0‒12.4 %)); Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. (108 CFU/ml, 6.0‒6.2 %); beet molasses (28.0‒29.0 %); zeolite ‒ the rest; immunostimulating activity, normalizes metabolism, increases the growth and development of broiler chickens. The purpose of the study is to study meat productivity and conduct a veterinary and sanitary examination of broiler chicken meat using the new composite drug “NKP”. Materials and methods of research. The experiments were carried out in a private poultry farm. Three groups of ten birds each were formed from day-old broiler chickens of the Ross-308 cross. The conditions of keeping and feeding of the birds were carried out in accordance with zootechnical standards. The first group of broiler chickens was a control and received a regular diet without additives. For chickens of the second experimental group, a new composite drug “NKP” was added to the feed at a dose of 1 % daily from the first days of life and throughout the entire experimental period for 42 days. The third group received the new composite drug “NKP” at a dose of 1.5 % at intervals of twenty-two days, from the 5th day of life to the 27th day. At the end of the experiment at 42 days of age, the broilers were slaughtered and weighed, followed by a veterinary and sanitary examination and assessment of their meat productivity. The obtained data were processed using the SSPS for Windows software package. Research results. The weighing results showed that the post-mortem live weight of chickens in the control group was 2098.74±1.267. The weight of the chickens of the second experimental group, which received 1 % of the complex preparation “NKP” in their diet, was 14.01 g (p<0.001) higher than their control peers in terms of this indicator, and the weight of the third experimental group was 15.05 (p<0.001).
Hepatoprotective properties of heprasan-neo in an experiment on the prevention of hepatopathies in juvenile amber trout
UDC: 619:616.98:579.852.1
Authors: Olga V. Trudolyubova; Elena A. Merzlyakova; Yuri G. Krysenko; Ivan S. Ivanov;
Introduction. The accepted practice of anthrax prevention among animals in the territory of the Russian Federation includes a number of measures aimed at accounting for soil foci of anthrax and monitoring their veterinary and sanitary condition, as well as vaccination of all susceptible livestock, with the exception of wild susceptible animals in a state of natural freedom. To date, the establishment of sanitary protection zones of anthrax graves based on a comprehensive assessment of their epidemiological and epizootological danger is considered as an additional method of preventing this disease. The paper reveals the issues of the formation of immunity in animals with anthrax; methods of vaccination on the territory of the Udmurt Republic, as well as an analysis of the vaccination rate of farm animals susceptible to anthrax, located in the approximate sizes of sanitary protection zones of 44 soil foci of anthrax located on the territory of the Udmurt Republic, for which projects have been developed to establish reduced sizes sanitary protection zones. Purpose ‒ to determine the level of vaccination of farm animals susceptible to anthrax located in the territories adjacent to 44 anthrax graves located on the territory of the Udmurt Republic. Materials and methods. The materials for the study were the reporting data of the Main Veterinary Department of the Udmurt Republic, information provided by local governments of Udmurtia, as well as accounting, reporting and archival data of the state veterinary service of the region. The approximate sanitary protection zones of 44 anthrax graves with a radius of 1000 m were analyzed. Results, discussion. It has been established that the vaccination rate of farm animals susceptible to anthrax in the territories adjacent to anthrax graves is at a level not reaching 35 %, both in the private and public sectors of the Udmurt Republic. Conclusion. The coverage of preventive vaccination of livestock of farm animals located in sanitary protection zones of anthrax graves and susceptible to anthrax in the Udmurt Republic remains at a low level, which may provoke the occurrence of anthrax in the region.
Influence of microwave treatment of barley containing mycotoxins on its chemical composition, metabolic energy and productivity of quail
UDC: 637.054:639.122:549.64
Authors: Leysan F. Yakupova; Ellada K. Рapunidi; Volkov Ali Kh. ; Sergey Yu. Smolentsev;
Introduction. In the cost structure of the main poultry products, a large share falls on feed, which must meet the safety requirements determined by the level of mycotoxin contamination. To reduce the content of mycotoxins in feed and completely destroy them, you can use various methods and their combinations, some of which may have disadvantages. For example, the use of some adsorbents leads to a partial loss of the nutritional value of feed due to the absorption of feed nutrients along with toxins. One of the methods that allows you to destroy harmful microflora, reduce the content of antinutrients, increase the nutritional value of feed and the digestibility of nutrients is microwave processing. The purpose of the research was to study the effect of microwave processing of barley containing mycotoxins on its chemical composition, metabolic energy and quail productivity when used separately and in combination with zeolite. Materials and methods. The studies were conducted on 30-day-old quails divided into 5 groups, two of which were control and three experimental. Results and discussion. Microwave treatment of barley changes its chemical composition, increasing the content of dry matter by 35 %, crude protein and fat by 3.4 and 156 %, and nitrogen-free extractive substances by 42.2 %. Due to the increase in the exchange energy of feed, the egg and meat productivity of birds increases, while the exchange energy costs per unit of production decrease. Conclusion. Microwave treatment of grain has a beneficial effect on the egg and meat productivity of quails due to an increase in exchange energy by 41 %, nutritional value and digestibility of nutrients in feed, and contributes to lower exchange energy costs for production. A more pronounced effect is observed with the combined use of microwave treatment of grain and zeolite.
Multivariate statistical analysis of the cost of housing in the Volga Federal District on the secondary market
UDC: 332.1(470.62)
Authors: Marina V. Kazakovtseva ; Yulia M. Lapteva;
Introduction. Today, the housing market represents an essential sphere of human activity, the study of which takes its place alongside the development of the health care system. The housing market is directly or indirectly connected with all human activities aimed at satisfying needs of any level, which emphasizes the importance of knowledge about real estate in the context of economic sciences. “In our country, we are just beginning to realize and use in official assessments the indicators of development of residential and commercial real estate markets, which can indicate the approaching phase of economic growth or stagnation, possible “overheating” of the economy, the development of the situation in related industries due to the fact that the real estate sector has the so-called multiplicative effect” ‒ explained M. A. Kotlyarov. The purpose of this study is to model the objects of the secondary housing market in 2024 in the Volga Federal District using economic-mathematical methods. Materials and methods. The paper considers various methods, such as cluster analysis, factor analysis and other approaches to economic and mathematical modeling of objects of the secondary housing market of the Volga Federal District, and identifies the main factors affecting its dynamics. Results of the research, discussions. According to the data obtained for 2024, 3 components that influenced the cost of 1 m2 of secondary housing were identified, and a cluster analysis was carried out, based on which groups of regions were identified, taking into account the supply and demand in the secondary housing market. Conclusion. The analysis revealed that the secondary housing market in the Volga Federal District shows significant price fluctuations, which depend on a variety of factors, including the economic situation, supply and demand, and regional peculiarities. The analysis shows that in 2024 there is a general trend towards an increase in housing prices, which is confirmed by the growth of average prices per 1 m2 in most regions of the Volga Federal District. For example, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republic of Bashkortostan showed the highest cost of housing, which proves the growing interest in these regions of the district on the part of buyers.
Strategy for the development of the chemical industry in the context of the sanctions policy of European Union
UDC: 338.435
Authors: Petrov Konstantin O. ; Anatoliy A. Smirnov; Oleg Yu. Petrov;
Introduction. As part of the sanctions policy pursued by a number of foreign countries, the Russian government has introduced counter-sanctions measures as measures of protectionism. Import substitution has become a new reality for chemical industry enterprises. But protectionism has not created ideal conditions. There are also a number of problems that require the development of an acceptable strategy for the sustainable development of enterprises producing household chemicals. Goal. To consider the directions of developing a strategy for the development of chemical industry enterprises in the conditions of the modern political situation created by the USA and EU countries on the example of “NPF “GENIX” LLC. Materials and methods.
The development of an enterprise development strategy was discussed on the basis of an assessment of materials published in open sources, a study of federal legislative acts and an analysis of the production and economic activities of the enterprise. The results of the study and discussion. In the context of the import substitution policy, the Russian government has defined the task for the domestic producer - to compensate for the lack of imported products with domestic goods. And this has become one of the most priority areas of development in Russia. But in the chemical industry sector, a problem arose for manufacturers of household chemicals, which resulted in a shortage of raw materials in the domestic market, which forced them to start looking for a solution to this problem. To overcome the problems, in the context of Western sanctions, it is necessary to develop a strategy for the development of the enterprise to reduce risks of an economic and administrative nature. It is necessary to achieve economic growth through the production of competitive products, the introduction of innovative and resource-saving technologies, and increased profitability. Conclusion. The problems that have arisen require solutions from the Government and the legislature. Therefore, specific actions are required, both at the regional and federal levels, it is necessary to develop a system of state orders for household chemicals, detergents and disinfectants, in particular, to provide the health care system, the catering sector, for the needs of the population and a state program to promote products to foreign markets.